Two Great Books On Marine and Reef Fish

With all the available books on keeping saltwater fish and reef aquariums, I want to share with you a couple of my favorites that can help you choose the right fish for your aquarium.
Scott W. Michael has written a number of books entirely on saltwater fish. In his collection there are two great, inexpensive reference books. Hobbyists would be wise to keep a copy of one or both on hand. A PocketExpert Guide to Marine Fishes: 500+ Essential-To-Know Aquarium Species and A PocketExpert Guide to Reef Aquarium Fishes: 500+ Essential-to-Know Species are quick reference guides on particular species of fish. Their compact size allows them to be carried to fish stores where you can look up fish you are thinking about purchasing. You will quickly discover if a fish is right for your aquarium. Both books have more than 500 color photos. Scott includes scientific and common names, maximum length, range, minimum aquarium size, foods & feeding, aquarium suitability index, reef aquarium Read More Here…
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The Green Wolf Eel Can Be A Great Saltwater Fish To Add To Your Aquarium
Green Wolf Eels or Carpet Eel Blennies are fish that look like, are named like, and are commonly mistaken for eels. Green wolf eels (Congrogadus subducens) are really a pseudochromid (Dottyback.) These hardy fish are frequently for sale at most fish stores.
One of the neat features about this fish is its great eyesight. When a customer asks about this fish I generally grab a tuffy (rosie red minnow) or a small feeder goldfish and hand feed it. Even though Green Wolf Eels are wild-caught in a very short time they will eat out of your hand. I have never had one miss the food and bite me but it is probably wise to use feeding tongs, it’s just not as cool.
Green Wolf Eels grow to a maximum length of almost 18″ so it requires an aquarium of at least 55 gallons. They need a meaty diet consisting of foods like krill, shrimp, squid and other frozen and live fish. They generally are quick to learn to eat in captivity but if you have a finicky eater feed it glass Read More Here…
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